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How to create a wordpress account and post it on youtube

Welcome back to my blog guys😊 Your favourite will be teaching you steps on how to create a free WordPress account and post it on youtube  How to create a free WordPress account and post it on youtube First of all type and search Since you don't have an account, click on get started  You can decide to click on continue with email  Choose your convenient email and input your password After inputing your password, it will lead you to the next page which is choosing your domain Input the name you want to be addressed as Select the free one and continue Choose your favour of wordpress, which is the free one of course On the page, input your goals, you can decide to sell online  Ten input a store name you can remember and tagline which is what your store is all about or what you offer Since all we are doing is free you will pick a free design of your choice depending on your store name and what you offer  After all this, you have your free website on👌 Then s

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